Nomination And Eligibility


Membership in the Amesbury High School Athletic Hall of Fame is open to those individuals who have distinguished themselves in the field of athletics while a student, coach or contributor at Amesbury High School and have displayed sportsmanship and brought honor and distinction to Amesbury High School. The general public and Committee members can make nominations for election into the Athletic Hall of Fame by completing a Nomination Application.


To be eligible, students must have attended and participated in athletics for at least 2 years at Amesbury High School and have been part of a class that has graduated at least 10 years prior to election.


To be eligible, coaches must have coached at Amesbury High School for at least 5 years and must have coached for at least 10 years in their sport. They must also be out of coaching for the sport elected for at least 5 years.


To be eligible, an individual must have made significant contributions to Amesbury High School athletics. Their contribution must also have been received at least 5 years prior to election.

Exceptions within each category may be made by the Committee.

Committee Membership And Voting

Amesbury High School Athletic Hall of Fame Committee :

  • Sam Wilmot, Chairperson
  • Lisa Dupere
  • Chris Hudon
  • Cathy Mamakos
  • Andy Mason
  • Todd McGrath
  • David Randall
  • David Regis
  • Nikki Savastano-Gadsby

Committee Membership And Meeting Requirements :

The Committee will consist of no more than nine members. A meeting quorum of five members is required to hold a meeting that includes administrative decisions. A meeting quorum of six members is required to hold a meeting that includes Bylaw changes, Committee membership voting or Hall membership voting. Members must be present to participate in all voting.

Administrative Decisions :

Administrative decisions shall be initiated by a motion by any Committee member followed by a majority voting process by at least five of the Committee members.

Bylaw Changes :

Bylaw changes shall be initiated by a motion by any Committee member followed by a minimum of six affirmative votes by Committee members.

Committee Membership Voting :

The election of new members to the Committee shall be initiated by a motion by any Committee member followed by a majority voting process by at least six of the Committee members.

Hall Membership Voting :

The election of new members into the Hall shall be initiated by a motion by any Committee member followed by a minimum of six affirmative votes by Committee members.

Hall Membership Recision :

The Committee reserves the right to rescind a previous Hall membership election. The recision request shall be initiated by a motion by any Committee member at a meeting when all members are present and approved if followed by a unanimous vote. The membership plaque will be removed from the Hall.


Induction Process :

Inductions will be held at a location to be determined. Inductees will be presented with a plaque and introduced at an Amesbury High School football game. A permanent plaque will be displayed in the hall outside the gymnasium at Amesbury High School.


Mission Statement

The mission of the Amesbury High School Athletic Hall of Fame is to recognize and honor our former students, coaches, and persons who have made a substantial contribution to the Amesbury High School Athletic program. Said recognition will hopefully inspire current and future participants to strive to exceed the standards set by those who walked the halls and athletic facilities before them representing Amesbury High School.